ICT Barriers for People with Disability in Namibia: Evidence from the 2011 Namibia Population and Housing Census

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Nelago Indongo
Pempelani Mufune


disability, information, communication and technology access, Namibia


Computer technology and the Internet have a tremendous potential to increase the independence of people with disabilities. We investigated the extent to which people with disabilities access information communication technologies (ICT) (focusing on access to computers, internet and mobile phone) and how their ICT access compares with the ICT access of the rest of the Namibian population. More specifically, we investigated factors that affect people with disabilities ICT access in Namibia. The study relied on the 2011 Namibia Population and Housing Census as the main data source for analysis. The results showed people with disabilities are disadvantaged in ICT access. The study reveals that education level, work status, age and place of residence are important factors associated with ICT access among people with disabilities. Results also show that there is less disparity between employed and unemployed individuals with disabilities than without disabilities. Additionally, the results show that those classified as “blind”, “autistic”, “hearing difficulties” and “mental disabled” fair worse than people with other disabilities in computer, internet and/or cell phone access.  There is a need to consider unique issues affecting ICT access for people living with disabilities to achieve Namibia’s goal of equitable access for all as envisioned in its Vision 2030.

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