January 20, 2024


The Center on Disability Studies, the interdisciplinary research center of the College of Education at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, is pleased to announce the release of the latest issue of Review of Disability Studies: International Journal, the Special Issue on China and Disability.


The 595-page double issue (Volume 18, Issue 4 & Volume 19, Issue 1) is guest-edited by Drs. Luanjiao Hu, The Lurie Institute for Disability Policy, Brandeis University, and Fengming Cui, Harvard University.


Using different methodologies, the articles in this special double issue address multiple concerns about disability in China, including inclusive education, community living, disability history, and lived experience. Additionally, the issue features other ongoing global research.  


It is the editors’ hope that the works in these neglected areas may play a small role in larger collective efforts to advance disability rights and justice globally.


As an accessibility measure, plain language versions of all abstracts may be viewed at: https://rdsjournal.org/index.php/journal/China-plain-language-abstracts 



RDS Editorial Team,

Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal


Raphael Raphael,

Editor in Chief,

Center on Disability Studies, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


Sandra Oshiro, 

Assistant Editor,

Center on Disability Studies, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


Associate Editors

  • Kara Ayers

  • Jenifer Barclay

  • Scot Danforth

  • Hemachandran Karah

  • Sona Kazemi

  • Meriah Nichols
  • Patricia Morrissey